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NC State Extension

Host an Orientation for Participants

en Español / em Português

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compassSeveral weeks before the trip, host a Q&A

Share all this in a handout and/or link on the trip-specific Explore the World portal page. For example, Costa Rica

  • Slidedeck – Include Images throughout (Sample Slide Deck)
  • Introduce the travel company representative and the Extension Professionals going on the trip. Share photos and contact information for each, including title, business email, and phone
  • Have participants introduce themselves
  • Link to NC State Extension Gardener Travel Study Adventures and include a brief overview of the advantages
    • Created especially for Extension Master Gardener volunteers (but non-EMG garden enthusiasts and spouses are welcome) 
    • Focuses on plants, gardens, ecology, biodiversity, geography, & horticulture
    • Small groups, 17-24 people
    • Fully guided by local experts
    • The Extension staff leaders take good care of you!
  • Overview of trip
    • Link to the Itinerary and Registration. 
      • Explain the registration fee and deadline. Make clear the fees for double occupancy and single occupancy
      • Explain the Deposit fee and deadline
      • Cost and registration deadline for any available pre and post-trip extensions
    • Cover what is (and is not) included in the registration fee
      • Emphasize that the flight is not included in the package
      • Identify any extra costs to anticipate
      • Introduction and images of hotels
    • A very brief introduction to the country
      • Map (with tour route)
      • History
      • Horticulture (commercial, public gardens, private gardens)
      • Weather
    • Key Destinations (what to look for/not to miss at each site)
      • Walk them through the tour day by day.
      • Explain that the itinerary may change due to unexpected circumstances, including weather or a closed venue. Every effort will be made to find a comparable experience.
    • What to expect
      • What to know before you go – links to travel company information and Explore the World information
      • Share how the airport pick-up and drop-off will work?
  • Brief overview of Cooperative Extension & NC State
    • Subtly and briefly provide talking points so they will have answers if they are asked about the group
Luggage and passport
  • What to pack – add any items specific to this trip (Example: Costa Rica).
  • Cultural orientation
    • Food
      • Restaurant ratings are determined in part by plate waste – take care when ordering.
      • Be open to different foods.
      • Some places serve banquet style and can not cater to specific requests.
      • Confirm any participant-specific dietary needs and (re)confirm these with the travel company. Explain that we will work with them to ensure their needs are met, but sometimes, they will need to be flexible. Encourage them to bring some energy snacks that meet their needs.
    • Bathrooms:  (do they charge? Will they have bidets? (if yes, consider showing a picture and explaining how they work), Cover any ways that they are different from typical US bathrooms.
    • Language
      • The guides will speak English, as will most of the population, but everyone appreciates the effort to speak a few key phrases in the language. Share the translation for Please, Thank-You, You are Welcome, Pleased to meet you (each subtly reminding them to be kind), and Where is the restroom? Click the megaphone for pronunciation. 
      • Demonstrate Google Translate by typing in an entire paragraph. Explain that they can hand their phone to the person they want to communicate with. The person can then read the Dutch translation and press the microphone to hear it.
    • They represent the NC EMG program, NC State, and the US – be kind
    • Tipping expectations (if any) – Restaurants, Hotels, Bus Driver, Guides (both the ones for the entire trip and at destinations)
    • Encourage them to consider reviewing resources ahead (list of recommended books on country, sites, plants, and any others recommended by the travel company)

computer and cell phone

  • Technology
    • WhatsApp
      • Share your user name with participants (again)
      • Have participants type their WhatsApp username into the chat. Copy chat and later compare the usernames in the chat to those in the group list. Update the group if needed. Share individual user names with the participants.
      • Encourage any participants who have not yet created a What’s App username to do so as soon as possible. 
      • Explain how to use and practice during orientation. Test the WhatsApp group by sending a group message and having all confirm that they got it.
      • Have participants’ family and friends download WhatsApp so they can have video calls, chat, and leave voice messages for free.
      • If necessary, consider meeting with individuals (or small groups) on Zoom, having them share their screen, and walking them through setting up WhatsApp on their phone and how to use it.
    • Most hotels will have WiFi.
  • Medical
    • Identify any immunizations required, Share a link specific to the country(ies) on the tour.
    • Encourage participants to:
      • Check with their doctor for recommended immunizations.
      • Have a physical and dental checkup prior to the tour.
      • Share any health concerns with the Extension Professionals.
  • Get/renew Passport (must not expire until at least six months after the return date)
  • Money
    • Will foreign money be needed? If so: What is the currency? How much should they bring,  How to exchange, and Should they exchange ahead of time?)
    • Inform their credit card company and bank that they will be traveling so their expenditures are not identified as fraud and their credit/debit cards are not frozen in the company’s attempt to prevent fraud.
    • Get a frequent flyer card from your airline and register to receive credit for the trip.

womans legs and feet walking

  • Walking
    • Remind travelers that the trip will include 6-8 hour days and extensive walking (some of which will be on inclines, uneven pathways, and possibly gravel trails in gardens).
    • Encourage them to start getting in shape now so they will enjoy the adventure. 
    • Appropriate footwear is essential. 
    • Encourage them to consider getting in shape by working up to walking up to 45 minutes, including slight inclines.
  • Safety
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Any other country-specific information
  • Any other relevant information